
Lost soul aside bing yang
Lost soul aside bing yang

lost soul aside bing yang

The nature of game development includes the possibility that all the time and money sunk into a project won’t be returned. Working this way leaves zero time for a personal life, and even after putting in 20-hour days it’s possible to still come up short. This is definitely not feasible for many solo developers.


They can be a great asset for the solo game developer with limited time and skill.Ĭurrently Bing works on the game full time and does freelance work to pay the bills.


Both of these are beneficial to game developers of all levels, especially those who have no experience writing code and creating art because they allow for the crowdsourcing of materials. Marketplace (or Unity’s Asset Store) has downloadable tools, models, sounds, characters, and animations everything needed to cobble together an entire game. It’s so comprehensive that it’s possible to make a whole game without writing a single line of code.

lost soul aside bing yang

Blueprint (or Unity’s Playmaker) is a visual scripting tool that allows coders of all levels to create game logic to control characters, animations, AI, etc. On the Unreal Engine 4 message boards, Bing said that he’s used Blueprint coding and assets that he’s purchased or downloaded for free.

lost soul aside bing yang

This failure to address how the game is being made is harmful to other indie developers who are working alone or in small teams because it causes unrealistic expectations that are impossible for most solo developers to live up to. The fact that he is making Lost Soul Aside all by himself has been the central focus of every single article that’s come out about it not how he’s managed to make such a great looking game without a team of developers, ignoring both the technical and logistical aspects of making a game alone. The progress Bing has made on this game is impressive. At last count, there were 23,000,000 articles and reaction videos about the game and the trailer had 1,900,000 views. Lost Soul Aside is in development for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4.For those who don’t keep up with games journalism, Lost Soul Aside is the Final Fantasy XV/Devil May Cry inspired creation of one developer: Seoul’s Yang Bing. This makes us feel that we are moving forward.” Later, with the progress of the project, PlayStation 5 has changed from a new guest to an ‘old friend’ with our daily development. To our surprise, the version without optimization can also have a good performance on PlayStation 5. Yang Bing: “After we got some development kits for the new console, we immediately did the version test. Please share a behind-the-scenes story of your game’s development on PlayStation 5. Its visuals, special effects, and other aspects make me realize the improvements of the next-generation games, which makes me want to try something to match the new generation.” Yang Bing: “ Demon’s Souls remake is a PlayStation 5 game I have seen and I’m touched deeply. Which games on PlayStation 5 have inspired you in regards to game design or development? I think it’s difficult to describe why I like it, but to put it in simple words, this is more like childhood exploration fun and makes me remember the good old days, and keeps me coming back for a great experience.” Originally, I am not a big fan of Souls games, nor can I enjoy brutal difficulty games, but after exploring the open world, I can’t help but love playing the game. Yang Bing: “For now, my longest played game on PlayStation 5 is Elden Ring. What is your favorite PlayStation 5 game? Why do you like it so much? Compared with the performance of the previous generation of consoles, the full 60 frames per second frame rate mode, almost no loading time, and enhanced visual quality eliminated my previous doubts about the improvement of PlayStation 5 compared with the previous generation.” Yang Bing: “When I first opened PlayStation 5, I couldn’t wait to open the Final Fantasy VII Remake enhanced version for PlayStation 5. What are your first experiences, memories, and feelings with PlayStation 5? Lost Soul Aside is all about creating a smooth action RPG experience for players, and we have shown it through previous videos.” Being a person from an art background, I love playing games, from a hobby to becoming a professional, games are all around my daily life. Yang Bing: “ Lost Soul Aside is the game we are currently working on for ‘China Hero Project.’ Because of Lost Soul Aside, I was known by Sony Interactive Entertainment and some of the players.

Lost soul aside bing yang